Thursday, January 18, 2018

Hidden Seams


A billion-dollar fashion empire, and it’s about to be mine...

I've worked a decade for this. I've sold my soul and my reputation. I've lived a lie, smiled for the cameras, and hated myself, all for this inheritance. And then ... she pops up. A mysterious heir with a rap sheet, combat boots, and a mouth that I want to pin shut with my— It doesn’t matter. I’ve played this game for a decade. I can continue the charade a little longer, keep my hands to myself and her body out of my mind. I can keep my secret until the ink dries and everything is mine. Or not.  



Hidden Seams was a brilliant story with many different sides to it. The main focus was, of course, the romance between Marco and Avery but then there was also the part of Avery trying to find out who she was, and Marco's struggle to keep his best friends secret. it all came together really well and that was my best part of the story for me.

It's sounds crazy to say but these characters were better together because it was like they came alive with all of the chemistry between them. Separately they were great to get to know and they both had a lot going on in their personal lives, but when they were together it was like they had so much more energy and it made me like them a lot more. 

The story was unique, I thought, since it's not everyday you read a straight man playing a gay man. Though I liked that the book wasn't full of drama because of that situation and instead it was all pretty light. I felt like that worked better with the characters and gave more space to see how they reacted to the connection they shared. 

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